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For Drupal 6, this module is being replaced by the Dashboard project as part of the redesign. We need volunteers to work on Dashboard, so go over there and help out, please.

The Drupal 5 version still works, but is not actively being developed. I have marked the module as 'Obsolete.'

MySite pages let users create a personalized summary of the site by adding selected content elements to their personal page. The MySite module is similar to tools like MyYahoo!, iGoogle and NetVibes. However, the content available is generated from your web site.

The module allows registered site users to create a MySite page that contains content from throughout the site. For sites that use the Aggregator module, users may also add feeds from external web sites to their MySite pages. MySite also supports Blocks, Views and 'Droplets' -- content widgets created by the site administrator. Users with JavaScript can drag, drop and sort content on their custom personal layout.

With Droplets, site administrators can also expose web-based content widgets like those from Google and WidgetBox to their users.

The 5.x.3 release adds multiple page support, so that users can have more than one personal page.

MySite was written using an API/Plug-In model that allows the core module to be extended to handle additional content types. These content types do not have to be nodes.

MySite Content

The following types of content are supported by MySite:

- Individual RSS feeds handled by Aggregator
- RSS feed categories handled by Aggregator
- Blog posts by individual site users
- Book pages
- Forum topics and content
- Content assigned to taxonomy terms
- Comments attached to specific posts *
- Block content *
- Views *
- Internet widgets such as Google Gadgets *
- All posts by node type (CCK support) *
- All posts by user *
- Most popular site content *
- Specific posts *
- MySite 5.x.1.10 and higher also support user-selected theming and automatic path alias support.

* Requires MySite 5.x.2 or higher.

MySite Dependencies

MySite uses other modules to provide advanced JavaScript functions. If you do not install these modules, MySite will still work correctly. However, without these modules drag-and-drop sorting of content is not supported.

* Download and install the jQuery Update 5.x.1.0 from:
* Download and install the jQuery Interface module from:

Community Contributions

Since MySite uses an API, users are welcome to create their own plugins. You may read a complete plugin development tutorial at

The following plugins have been developed and a released in the /contrib/ folder of the 5.x.2.0 tarball.

Developer Notes

Please work on completing the Dashboard module instead.