widgEditor - A WYSIWYG editor

Component ID


Component name

widgEditor - A WYSIWYG editor

Component type


Component security advisory coverage




Component created

Component changed

Component body


widgEditor is an easily installed, easily customizable WYSIWYG editor for simple content. It replaces node, comment and other specified textareas with an improved editing pane using JavaScript, therefore if you don't have JavaScript (or your browser doesn't support HTML editing) it degrades gracefully.

Installation (Drupal 6)

  • Enable the module.
  • Set 'use widgEditor' permission on user access control setup.
  • By default widgEditor is loaded automatically for node and comment body fields.
  • Set default behaviour and textareas associated in the widgEditor settings at admin/settings/widgeditors.

Other notes

  • The module requires PHP 5.
  • Read the README.txt for Drupal 5 specific instructions.