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For Drupal 8, the query log has been moved to the webprofiler module which is now its own module within this project.

A suite of modules containing fun for module developers and themers ...


  • Helper functions for Drupal developers and inquisitive admins.
  • Enable the included Kint submodule as for pretty print of variables. kint($array) function is provided, which pretty prints arrays. Useful during development. Similarly, a ddebug_backtrace() is offerred.
  • much more. See this helpful demo page.

Generate content

Accelerate development of your site or module by quickly generating nodes, comments, terms, users, and more.

WebProfiler (D8+)

Add a powerful footer to all pages of your site. There, admins can review resource utilization, cache effectiveness, database queries, Views, and so much more. Sponsored by Wellnet

Devel Node Access (DNA)

View the node access entries for the node(s) that are shown on a page. Essential for developers of node access modules and useful for site admins in debugging problems with those modules.
DNA for D8 has temporarily moved to its own project until it's ready.