

Component ID


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Maintenance status

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Component security advisory coverage




Component created

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Component body

This is a lightweight module that allows users to subscribe to periodic emails which include all new or revised content and/or comments of specific content types, much like the daily newsletters sent by some websites.

Even if this feature is not configured for normal site users, it can be a useful feature for an administrator of a site to receive notification of new content submissions and comment posts.

The notifications are sent out in batches (digest style) at a frequency determined by the administrator. The administrator also decides what content type(s) to make available for notification subscriptions.

In the Drupal 7 version, ordinary users can turn notifications on and off, whether to receive just headlines, teasers, or complete nodes/comments, and what content types to subscribe to. (The Drupal 6 version only offer some of these options.)

Notify Views Integration

The project contains a sub-module: Notify Views Integration, that tells the Views module about the Notify database so you can create listings of users by Notify subscriptions status for export or administration.

The sub-module requires Views and CTools.

Support Status

Reported bugs for the Drupal 7 branch will be fixed in a timely manner (provided the bug report describes how to reproduce the problem at will). Bugs in the issue queue for the Drupal 6 branch will only be fixed if accompanied with a patch, after the patch has been reviewed and tested by the community. Older versions are no longer supported. Community support in the form of patches are very welcome for both Drupal 6 and Drupal 7 versions, and will be given priority. For QA, the project needs community support in the form of reviews of patches, development versions and releases.

The primary goal of the notify module is to remain a light-weight and simple alternative to the more comprehensive notification frameworks, (e.g.: Subscriptions/Notifications). This means that not all feature requests will be implemented, even if they are a good idea. Feature requests accompanied by patches are more likely to make it into a release.

The maintainer hopes that the community is willing to help out by answering & closing support requests.

Similar Modules

This module provides similar functionality to several other contributed modules. See the pages Comparison of email newsletter oriented modules and Notifications via e-mail comparison for overviews of modules providing similar functionality.

In addition to the modules listed on these pages, you are encouraged to also try out trigger and action modules which is part of Drupal 6 and 7 core, as possible alternatives. If you need more configurability than what is offered by this module, you should consider one of these alternative solutions.