Taxonomy navigation


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Component name

Taxonomy navigation

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Component security advisory coverage




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This module is currently unsupported. The last release was for Drupal 4.3.

The 'taxnav' module was written to provide "taxonomy-based navigation" tools. There are currently two navigation tools found in taxnav:

  1. "Latest updates" blocks. This block displays enabled vocabularies and terms, allowing one-click access to nodes classified under a given term. Additionally, it displays the date of the most recently posted node under this term.
  2. CSS-based navigation tabs. The taxnav_display_tabs() function can be called from your theme to display CSS-based navigation tabs.

About the CSS-based navigation tabs:

The CSS-based navigation tabs provide a very intuitive mechansim for navigating a Drupal-generated website. They are a logical extensions of the taxonomy API. Combined with the aliasing function, they can provide very user-friendly navigation URLs.

This tool provides two layers of tabs. The top layer is generated using the names of all your taonomy vocabularies. The second layer is generated using the properly configured (see INSTALL file) terms within these vocabularies.

When viewing nodes, no matter if you got to them using the provided tabs or through another mechanism, the proper tabs will be highlighted to show where you currently are in the site's organization.