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Component body

Misery is a module designed to make life difficult for certain users.

It can be used:

  • As an alternative to banning or deleting users from a community.
  • As a means by which to punish members of your website.
  • To delight in the suffering of others.

The aim of misery is to be not traceable by users on misery list, so misery actions should be sufficiently subtle enough to avoid suspicion.

Currently you can force users (via permissions/roles, editing their user account, or using IP blacklists to endure the following misery:

  • Delay: Create a random-length delay, giving the appearance of a slow connection. (by default this happens 40% of the time)
  • White screen: Present the user with a white-screen. (by default this happens 10% of the time)
  • Wrong page: Redirect to a random URL in a predefined list. (by default this happens 0% of the time)
  • Random node: Redirect to a random node accessible by the user. (by default this happens 10% of the time)
  • 403 Access Denied: Present the user with an "Access Denied" error. (by default this happens 10% of the time)
  • 404 Not Found: Present the user with a "Not Found" error. (by default this happens 10% of the time)
  • Forms don't submit: Redirect back to the form during validation to prevent submission. (by default this happens 60% of the time) Note: Occasionally certain forms validate based on which button was pressed, this won't work in those cases.
  • Crash IE6: If the user is using Internet Explorer 6, this will crash their browser. (by default this happens 0% of the time)
  • Spam: Replace node content with a set word. (by default this happens 10% of the time)
  • Logout: Log the user out. (by default this happens 10% of the time)

There are hooks for developers to unleash and contrive more misery.

This project was inspired by the vBulletin hack; "Miserable Users".

If you want to give your trolls the silent treatment try the Cave module.