Printer, email and PDF versions

Component ID


Component name

Printer, email and PDF versions

Component type


Maintenance status

Development status

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Component body

This module allows you to generate the following printer-friendly versions of any node:

  • Printer-friendly version (webpage format) (at
  • PDF version (at
  • EPUB version (at
  • Send by email (at

where nid is the node id of content to render.

By editing the default print.css or specifying your own CSS file and/or the print.tpl.php files, it is possible to change the look of the output page to suit your taste. For a more fine-grained customization, it is possible to use a template file named print[--html|--mail|--pdf][--node--node-type].tpl.php located in the current theme directory, where node-type is Drupal's node type (e.g. page, story, etc.).

You must install one of the following third-party tools to generate PDFs:

Or one of these extra PDF generation modules:

You must install the following third-party tool to generate EPUBs:

  • PHPePub (only in the 7.x-2.x branch)

Please follow the instructions in the INSTALL.txt files carefully.

#D7AX - I pledge to make this module as accessible as it can be. If you find any flaws, please submit an issue. Help me fix them if you can.