Amazon items

Component ID


Component name

Amazon items

Component type


Component security advisory coverage




Component created

Component changed

Component body

Amazon Items is unmaintained. It is a module for Drupal which allows you to add advertisements and links in nodes, just by listing the ASINs (or ISBNs) of the products you wish to advertise.

The last maintainer for this module was NSK (Nikolaos S. Karastathis), but unfortunately he is too busy now and not interested in this module anymore. If you want to become the new maintainer, drop an email.

The items may be displayed in a box below node content, or in a sidebar block, or both.

The intended usage is to list items related to the node so that a reader could buy products from using your Affiliate ID, thus giving you some commission from the purchase. It is assumed that you have already signed up for the affiliate programme.

There are two ways to display items within nodes:

  1. Box - go to admin/settings/amazon_items and enable the box
  2. Block - go to admin/block and enable the block

Amazon Items uses the AWS 1 and AWS 2 APIs, however Amazon recommends using ECS 3 or ECS 4. We are working on this. If you would like to help, contact NSK. This module may not work correctly (Asin not found issue) until we finish.

UPDATE: The current Amazon Items in CVS and the 4.6 version have some problems and therefore we recommend using Amazon Associate Tools for now. Another alternative, until we fix the problems, is to install the SideContent module and manually put Amazon HTML code in a block, or even inside a node without installing any other module.