GMap Module

Component ID


Component name

GMap Module

Component type


Maintenance status

Development status

Component security advisory coverage




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Component body

Module maintainer @podarok

We are in CodeFreeze stage for 7.x-2.x as preparing and refactoring for #2139223: Drupal 8 gmap version
Only bug and security fixes can be commited
All feature requests should be filled against latest 7.x-2.x branch

The GMap module provides an interface to the Google Maps API within Drupal. It integrates with the Location module to provide users a clickable map for entering latitude and longitude, as well as to display maps of Drupal nodes and users. GMap can be used to create interactive maps with various map markers and content in map bubbles, taking advantage of Drupal's other content management features. The module also provides a Views display plugin which allows users to display the results of a view on a Google map.

Drupal 8 battleplan #2139223: Drupal 8 gmap version
Supported by Druler

Drupal 8 battleplan #2139223: Drupal 8 gmap version

If You want fill feature request - please, provide a patch for that
The same works better with bug requests
6.x version has limited support #1831490-7: GMap module has no supported release for 6.x
If You want feature request for 6.x - You should make a patch against latest 7.x and after RTBC and commit we can intergrate backport into 6.x.
Please, use #1832936: Release co-ordination for Gmap 6.x-1.2 for that!

The GMap package consists of the following modules:

  • GMap: provides the GMap API, integration with Views and Location, and GMap macros.
  • GMap Location: Provides a map of all a site's nodes and a map of all of the site users.
  • GMap Taxonomy: Allows you to display different map markers based on taxonomy of a specific node.
  • GMap Macro Builder: Provides a GUI for building "macros" (a text-based way of describing arbitrary GMaps).
  • Find addresses on GMAP #1921872: Find address on map button - 7.x only

In order to use 7.x and earlier versions of this module, you need a (free) Google Maps API Browser key. Here is how to get one:

1. Login at
2. Create project
3. Go to 'Services' and turn on 'Google Maps API v2'
4. Go to 'API Access' and 'Create New Browser Key' specifying your domain url(s)
5. Paste the Google API Browser Key here /admin/settings/gmap

NOTE: 7.x-2.x(and 6.x-2.x) targeting Google Maps API V3 is now under development. Keep an eye on the issue queue for progress. #1459606: [CLOSED] Backport from D7 to use Google maps API V3 for D6 6.x-2.x-dev
Beta/Alpha release for Google Maps API V3 for Drupal 7 gmap 7.x-2.x-xxxxX
Beta/Alpha releases for Google Maps API V3 for Drupal 6 gmap 6.x-2.x-xxxxX

Supported by Druler