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The userplus module enhances Drupal's user administration and Organic Groups' subscription administration by allowing administrators to add multiple users at once, make multiple group assignments at once, and make multiple user role assignments at once.

Userplus provides the ability to do the following on a single form:

  1. add multiple users
  2. assign roles to multiple users
  3. assign groups (in conjunction with Organic Groups) for multiple users

Regarding role assignment, the Role Delegation module allows finer grained control over which roles are allowed to assign users to individual roles, whereas Userplus allows for easier bulk editing of role assignments.

Userplus provides the following user operations that are available when administering users through the standard user administration interface at admin/user/user:

  1. Enable the contact form for selected users (only when the contact module is enabled)
  2. Disable the contact form for selected users (only when the contact module is enabled)

Userplus provides the following actions which are useful on their own with Drupal's core actions, but more useful in conjunction with Views Bulk Operations:

  1. Change user's login name
  2. Change user's password


Userplus was developed by the friendly primates at FunnyMonkey.