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The slideshow transforms images attached to a post into a JavaScript enabled slideshow. Any post can have a slideshow. The slideshow can be placed above, below or within the content of the page.

If the user does not have JavaScript enabled, it degrades to a "regular" slideshow where the "next" link points to the next image and a whole new page is loaded. With JavaScript enabled, the slideshow loads the next picture immediately when clicking on the “Next” button. Note: This slideshow script does not automatically advance the picture.


  • Convenient – Just attach images to any post.
  • Lightweight – The JavaScript file weighs only 1.4 kB.
  • Themable – Configure the look and feel of a slideshow.
  • Configurable – Change the dimension and the placement.
  • Usable – Users with JavaScript enabled don't have to reload the page.

NOTE: The Drupal 5 version will not receive new features. It will however get security fixes if necessary until Drupal 7 is released.