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If you want node to node relations, this is the module for you. In essence its a module that only allows you to create node relations and presnet them in simple lists. With each node, you can define a parent, the new node will then become a child of that parent. In this way, you create parent-child trees, like book module does, in an easier and more flexible way. The APIs are more flexible, the database structure is very flexible and the concept is thought out to suit more cases then just 'books'.

The name comes from a paperclip, that can clip several papers together.

Keyword links

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This module enables you to join nodes using keyword. Nodes are linked using link list in body that is generated according correspondent keywords of other nodes in order of relevance. The main advantage of keywords that they enable bookmarking of nodes that do not yet exist. Associated pictures visible in node list are also supported.


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The slideshow transforms images attached to a post into a JavaScript enabled slideshow. Any post can have a slideshow. The slideshow can be placed above, below or within the content of the page.


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Small module to accept blog entries via HTTP POST from AQL's SMS to HTML gateway.

[19/07/06] Now supports posting to other node types than just blog.
[19/07/06] The default title can now be changed in the blogsms settings.


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For Drupal 6, this module is being replaced by the Dashboard project as part of the redesign. We need volunteers to work on Dashboard, so go over there and help out, please.

The Drupal 5 version still works, but is not actively being developed. I have marked the module as 'Obsolete.'

MySite pages let users create a personalized summary of the site by adding selected content elements to their personal page. The MySite module is similar to tools like MyYahoo!, iGoogle and NetVibes. However, the content available is generated from your web site.

The module allows registered site users to create a MySite page that contains content from throughout the site. For sites that use the Aggregator module, users may also add feeds from external web sites to their MySite pages. MySite also supports Blocks, Views and 'Droplets' -- content widgets created by the site administrator. Users with JavaScript can drag, drop and sort content on their custom personal layout.

With Droplets, site administrators can also expose web-based content widgets like those from Google and WidgetBox to their users.

The 5.x.3 release adds multiple page support, so that users can have more than one personal page.

MySite was written using an API/Plug-In model that allows the core module to be extended to handle additional content types. These content types do not have to be nodes.

Image Pager

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Image Pager provides a block that displays a selected subset of a page's images. The images are shown one at a time; the user can dynamically switch among them using previous/next links. Each image's alt and title text is shown as a caption.

Complete documentation and a demonstration are available at

Asynchronous Loading API

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This Module enables both developers and end-users to introduce asynchronous loading into the normal node listing. This module was initially developed for the DevelopmentSeed and has now been made public for the drupal community.

The Module offers:

A themeable stand-alone Node Listing of all the nodes.
A Views integration for the async loading
Easy way for developers to load content Asynchronously
A Pagination system that works asynchronously(like