View Alias

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Port to Drupal6 is available, check out the README for other instructions

The beta out now integrates with the pathauto API so its now you can manage your aliases in one spot

This module aids in the bulk creation and deletion of SEO friendly view aliases.

Essentially, this module takes view urls with term id arguments like


and creates aliases for them


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What is a "permalink"?

Wikipedia defines permalink as:

A permalink, or permanent link, is a URL that points to a specific blog or forum entry after it has passed from the front page to the archives. Because a permalink remains unchanged indefinitely, it is less susceptible to link rot. Most modern weblogging and content-syndication software systems support such links. Other types of websites use permanent links, but the term permalink is most common within the blogosphere. Permalink is a portmanteau word made from permanent link.

This module allows you to add a permalink to any node type. The link will be displayed as text that is easily copied from your site so that someone can link to the node. The link text is to /node/NID or ?q=node/NID instead of an alias.

Menu token

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Menu Token module provides tokens, that could be used in title or in path of menu items (links). For example, if you create a menu item with path: "user/[current-user:uid]", the url will be changed "on fly" to: "user/1" (assuming you are user 1).

Tokens are provided by Token module. Menu Token allows to use both global tokens and entity ones: node, user, term, etc. Entity tokens have several methods of substitution: from context, random and user defined.

Custom Permissions

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This very light-weight module allows additional permissions to be created and managed through a administration form. It uses the menu access system to allow or dissalow access to it.

On the administration page a user is able to create a permission with name and path(s).

These permissions can then be assigned to roles on the permissions page.

Short URL

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An API module that allows the creation of branded short URLs.

This module is a developer tool that takes URL of any length and produces very short URLs (3-5 characters).

For the User-Interface integration you may want to check-out: Shorten module.

Who Needs This?

You need this module if:

Shorten URLs

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This module provides an API to shorten URLs via many services like and TinyURL (over 15 services are available by default), as well as a block and a page that provide an interface for easily shortening URLs, and a block that displays a shortened URL for the current page for easy copying.

Menu Firstchild

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By default, Drupal requires that you enter a path for each menu link you add/edit from the Menu administration page.
There are cases you may want to create a parent item, without any path, that simply links to its first viewable child item.
Menu Firstchild provides this functionality.

Relative Path to Absolute URLs

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When you use IMCE with FCK Editor, there's a problem with images on simplenews newsletters and feed images, because the path to images and internal links are referrer in relation to current site.

This module implements a simple filter which replaces src and href attributes like /path/to/link with, making use of core's url() function.

Path copier

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When porting a static HTML site to a Drupal site, it is very likely that you need to reproduce legacy site's URLs on new site.

For example, if legacy site has a URL link, then you want to duplicate the file path on your new site like

Read More Link

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About Read More Link

This module allows you to move the "Read more" link from the node's links area to the end of the teaser text.

NOTE: This page is devoted solely to the Drupal 7.x version of the Read More Link module. If you're using an earlier version of Drupal, please visit the old Read More Link for Drupal 6.x and earlier module page.

Styling the "Read more" link

You can style the "Read more" link by adding the following to your theme's stylesheet (usually style.css):