SMS Framework in D8


Component ID


Component name

SMS Framework in D8

Component type


Maintenance status

Development status

Component security advisory coverage


Component created

Component changed

Component body

SMS Framework port to Drupal 8 (Issue #2093615)

This is my effort at porting SMS Framework module to Drupal 8. That module is not getting much love from the maintainers while maintainership has been changed twice. I have raised an issued to this effect in #2093615: Port SMS Framework to D8 and the patch did not get much attention from the maintainers either.

I'm hoping to use this sandbox to continue work in this direction. This will help to move the module (which I cherish very much) forward and also allow others to raise issues and contribute.

Hopefully, we can backport some of the improvements back into the main project when the maintainers get some time.


Currently the following modules and sub-modules have been ported:

  • Main SMS module (sms)
  • SMS User (sms_user)
  • SMS Blast (sms_blast)
  • SMS Track (sms_track)

Next Steps

The forward plan is to do the following (in no particular order) to bring SMS Framework to use Drupal 8's latest and greatest features:

  • Port SMS Send to Phone to D8
  • Port SMS Valid to D8
  • Port SMS International to D8
  • Port SMS Actions to D8
  • Port SMS Devel to D8
  • Implement SMS Gateways as D8 plugins

A new issue will be raised in this sandbox for each of the items in above list.

Hope to get support and interest from folks on this especially as we get closer to D8 release