Comment approver

Component ID


Component name

Comment approver

Component type


Maintenance status

Development status

Component security advisory coverage


Component created

Component changed

Component body

On a busy website where administrator and moderators deal with high volume of comments, to moderate each and every comment could be a daunting task. Sometimes admins skip comment moderation but that could lead to high amount of spam, to address that need this module was built. The idea behind the module is for system to run some tests like profanity, sentiment analysis and for comment to be automatically published / unpublished as per the rules configured.


Install as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module. See: for further

* System will perform various tests (as configured by admin) before deciding if a comment
should be automatically published.

* Some of the examples of tests include profanity test, sentiment test ( 3rd Party Integration)

* Admin can configure which tests will be run on comments of the website and select
resulting action based on pass / fail status of the test.

* If configured as a comment approver and comment passes all the selected tests
than the comment will be automatically approved otherwise the comment will
remain unpublish and will go for manual approval from admin.

* If configured as comment blocker and if a comment fails any test then it will
be unpublished, and will go for manual review.

* As a developer you can add new tests as per your Organisation and website needs, these
tests are written in form of comment approver plugins.


* After installing, go to: admin/config/comment_approver/commentapproversettings

* Select the tests you want system to perform on comments for any comment to be approved automatically.

* Select the mode of operation (disabled/comment approver/comment blocker).

* Configure the settings related to individual plugins (tests) if available.