Email Control


Component ID


Component name

Email Control

Component type


Maintenance status

Development status

Component security advisory coverage


Component created

Component changed

Component body

The Email Control module provides the means to control whether or not the drupal system sends out emails, and can redirect all emails to configured addresses (e.g. to a static address, or the email address of the logged in user, etc.). Further, it can prevent multiple email addresses with identical subject lines or bodies from being sent, as well as control which modules are affected by the email sending restrictions.

In general, the intention of this module is that it be used in development environments and disabled on production. The thinking behind it is that the developer can exercise a system that sends out emails without fear of accidentally spamming other users. By using overrides in settings.php (see the README.txt file for details on this), it's easy to ensure that development environments don't send unwanted emails, but that production is allowed to do so without needing to take additional steps to re-enable that functionality (beyond having set up settings.php to force the module not to block emails in that environment).