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Work in progress for a Drupal 7 integration and collaboration between redirection-type modules:

Current features:

  • Common API for loading, saving, and deleting redirects.
  • Case-insensitive redirect matching with a hook to allow other modules to narrow-down the candidate redirects.
  • Redirect counter and last used timestamp, with automatic cleanup of inactive redirects.
  • Integration with Drupal's page cache to optimize redirects and performance.
  • Complete individual redirect access API.
  • Views API integration.

Recommended Modules

  • Multi-path autocomplete helps provide auto-complete listings for the destination textfield on the redirect form.
  • Pathauto can be configured to automatically generate path redirects to ensure that URL alias changes do not break existing links.
  • Pathologic helps transform relative links in content to absolute URLs. Most helpful when you move your site to a new domain or different folder.
  • Match Redirect provides redirecting based on path patterns with wildcards. Does not extend or require the Redirect module itself.