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I have no plans to update this module in the future. I started developing this as part of a project management tool for organizers and activists. I've now moved development of that tool over to a django project (I still love Drupal, don't worry!).

If anyone would like to do anything with this space or the code base, I'm happy to help support that.

The Meetings module allows for the creation and management of meetings including agendas, notes, invitations, attendance, time, location, and more. This module is useful for any group of people who frequently hold meetings and would like to effectively track the agendas and notes from those meetings.

The Meetings module can be used on any Drupal site, but is particularly useful when combined with other project management tools, such as Open Atrium.


Make sure you have these installed before you install Meetings.



  • Download all of the dependencies listed above
  • Download the latest release of the module
  • Copy meetings directory to your modules directory (usually /sites/all/modules/)
  • Enable the Meetings feature at /admin/build/features
  • Set permissions as appropriate for your site

Using a drush .make file:

  • *This method will automatically download the many required dependency modules and install the Meetings module
  • Install drush and drush_make
  • Download the meetings.make file to your site root
  • Execute drush make meetings.make from the terminal
  • Enable the Meetings feature at /admin/build/features
  • Set permissions as appropriate for your site

Permissions: The following permissions are automatically enabled for the authenticated role. Be sure to disable these if you do not want all authenticated users to have this level of access.

  • meetings: edit meeting agenda
  • meetings: edit meeting notes
  • meetings: view attendance for meetings
  • node: edit any meetings content
  • node: edit own meeting content
  • notifications_content: subscribe to content
  • notifications_team: subscribe other users


Create a meeting at /node/add/meeting and set the title, date, location and agenda as appropriate. Invite other users to the meeting.

When the meeting is occurring, most users can (by default) edit the node to add notes. If the user has permissions, they can also click the Attendance tab on the meeting to take attendance based on the users who were invited to the meeting.

Multiple views and blocks are provided to display the upcoming and recent meetings.

Organic Groups: If you have Organic Groups module installed, invitations and attendance will automatically be based on the group associated with that meeting.

Repeating meetings: If you install the Node Repeat module, you will automatically be able to schedule repeated meetings.


I would be vary grateful for anyone who would be willing to test the most recent release or the development version. I haven't got around to writing SimpleTests for this module yet. You can help out by trying to view/edit a meeting in the following situations: attendance, with OG enabled, without OG enabled, viewing meetings as authenticated user, unauthenticated user, group member, group owner, node creator, non-node creator.

Please report all successes or problems to the issue queue.


This module is being developed as part of Google Summer of Code 2010 by auzigog (Jeremy Blanchard) as part of a set of grassroots project management tools being developed at Activism Labs.

Development is occurring in the DRUPAL-6--1 branch.