Instance: Guideline28

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reference The emotional gap between the elderly and the non-elderly, _Учет эстетических вкусов пожилых людей при дизайне сайтов электронного бизнеса
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tag Target emotion requirement, Elder user, Subjective satisfaction
text (english) Factors that improve the target emotional experience for seniors: The regression models (1) and (2) also supported the existence of the emotional gap between the elderly and non-elderly, especially in the seniors’ relationship to the factors that are believed to constitute the “expressive” dimension of aesthetics, such as original, sophisticated, fascinating, creative, and using special effects. These factors of “expressive” aesthetics, as evaluated by professional web-designers, had no observed significance in the regression on the overall impression of experimental web sites for non-elder participants, while for the elder participants their effect was actually negative. Consequently, it means that web designers should focus on “classic” dimension factors such as clean, clear, pleasant, symmetrical, and aesthetic while building e-business web sites for the elderly.
text (russian) Факторы, улучшающие целевые эмоциональные впечатления для пожилых пользователей: Проектировщикам интерфейсов имеет смысл улучшать компоненты «классической» эстетики, такие как «эстетичный», «чистый», «недвусмысленный», «приятный» и «симметричный». Данные составляющие повышают итоговую субъективную оценку веб-приложения пожилыми пользователями.

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