Instance: Снижение качества зрения у пожилых людей

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reference Shaping Web Usability. Interaction Design in Context, The effects of age and training formats on basic computer skill acquisition in older adults, Web Access for Elderly Citizens
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text (english) The following vision problems may occur with age: 1. Decreased acuity (although to some extent it can be compensated by wearing glasses). The ability to see small details may decrease with age or the comprehension can be achieved with more difficulty. This can be, for example, a result of near-sightedness. 2. Changes in color perception and decreased ability to discriminate colors. With age the liquid in the eye gets more yellow and conducts less light, which affects the color perception: colors may be discriminated to a less extent, and some colors become harder to comprehend. 3. Decreased contrast discrimination. Similar changes in the eyes, related to reduction of the amount of light reaching the retina, often cause a decrease in the ability to discriminate an object on a background. Limited field of vision. Some elder people experience an effect of ‘tunnel vision’ when they can see in a considerably shrunk visual field compared to regular people.
text (russian) У многих людей с возрастом могут возникать проблемы со зрением: снижение остроты зрения, изменения в способности различать цвета, снижение способности различать контраст, ограничение поля зрения.

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