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For Drupal 8, the query log has been moved to the webprofiler module which is now its own module within this project.

A suite of modules containing fun for module developers and themers ...


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Feedback allows users and visitors of a Drupal site to quickly send feedback messages about the currently displayed page, using a fixed positioned and ajaxified feedback form. This helps site administrators in quality assurance of their pages, contents and theme.

Because the form is submitted via AJAX, a user will not be redirected to another page and can continue visiting/using the site after posting feedback.

All feedback messages are listed and grouped by status in an administrative feedback log. Each feedback message can be marked as 'done'. Privileged users are able to see existing feedback messages for the currently displayed page to prevent submitting duplicate feedbacks for already known issues (f.e. during site building). Since feedback messages are additionally stored with a 'masked' path (similar to dynamic menu item arguments in D6, i.e. user/%/edit), existing feedback messages for similar pages can be displayed (except node/% paths).

Feedback optionally integrates with BrowsCap to additionally record the user agent for each feedback message, which helps in tracking down theming issues.


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Cloud (Clanavi) is a set of modules to realize cloud management: Drupal-based Cloud Dashboard like Amazon Management Console, RightScale, ElasticFox, and etc. The module supports not only public cloud like Amazon EC2, Cloudn but also private cloud like OpenStack since the system is highly modularized by Drupal architecture.

The cloud management functionalities include in such as server templates, clusters, monitoring, billing, resource allocation, reliability, scalability and etc.


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Flexinode is a module that allows non-programmers to create new node types (flexible content types) in Drupal. Users can define the fields in the node edit form for their content type, and can either view the nodes as presented by the module or modify the presentation in their theme.

Database Administration

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The dba module provides Drupal administrators with direct access to their Drupal database tables from within the standard Drupal user interface. It is possible to execute scripts to create and alter tables, to backup one or more tables, to view/edit/delete data within tables, and to emtpy or drop tables. If using MySQL, it is also possible to check and repair tables.

Inactive User

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The inactive_user module provides Drupal administrators with a way to automatically manage inactive user accounts. This module has two goals: to help keep users coming back to your site by reminding them when they've been away for a configurable period of time, and to cleanup unused accounts.


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The Spam module provides numerous tools to auto-detect and deal with spam content that is posted to your site, without having to rely on third-party services.

The Spam module provides a trainable Bayesian filter, automatic learning of spammer URLs, flagging of content with an excessive number of links, the ability to create custom filters, and more.

[UPDATE: 1.2 was not correct as some of the hooks would not get defined. More or less, that means some of the functionality would not work properly. Please upgrade to 1.3 to fix the problem. See #1222546: The List of Spam Comments is Broken and #1298480: "Mark as Spam" and "Mark as Not Spam" links for comments going to 404 page. among other similar bug reports.]


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This module allows you to create sections within your site. Each section has an installed template, theme or style attached to it.

Sections are shown based on:

  • Node specific visibility settings
  • Role specific visibility settings
  • Page specific visibility settings (regexped paths)
  • Custom PHP visibility snippets

For example regular expressions for your theme, please visit the handbook

Help Edit

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This module provides the ability to assign help messages to any page on a drupal site through a simple interface in the administration section of the site.