Views Gallery

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Update: There is a mostly-working D7 version in git, but it's not an official release because I no longer can maintain it. If you need something for D7 and can't use this code I suggest as an alternative.

I am no longer able to maintain this module, if someone else would like to take it over I'd be glad to hand it over.

This module pulls together the techniques Jeff Eaton outlined in to automatically create a simple gallery where each gallery is a node with an embedded view of images that were assigned to that gallery. The module creates the content types, sets up the imagecache presets, creates the default gallery view that is embedded into the gallery nodes by Views Attach, and adds css to make it all look nice.

This technique also works well to create individual image galleries for Organic Groups, since the gallery and image content types can be configured as group nodes. Views Gallery OG, included in this package, provides a setup page to make it easy to automatically create a gallery for every group and adds group context to the forms wherever possible so the right groups and group galleries are pre-selected when you create gallery images.

This module is mostly a bit of glue around numerous other Drupal modules. It is a perfect example of something the Features module was designed to do, and it is being reworked as a Feature instead of using custom .install code. All new development will be on the Features version. The versions are:

  • The 6.1 branch is the original code, which does not use the Features module.
  • The 6.2 branch is the new code, which requires Features, Strongarm, and CTools.
  • See the README.txt for instructions about how to upgrade from 6.1 to 6.2.

This module is intended to be a lightweight gallery solution with a simple feature set that you can tweak using the CCK and Views UI and some custom css in your theme. If you want a robust gallery with advanced features, this is probably not the right module to use. If you need a quick and simple gallery solution built on modules you are likely to use elsewhere, this may be a good fit.

Drush Multi (drush_multi)

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I use the following symbolic links structure on our servers and wrote a bash script for handling Drupal updates years ago.

Within this structure and this drush command, it is now possible to do that via drush.

Here is the very specific structure this command deals with for multi-drupalupdate and multi-create:

|-- 6.x -> drupal-6.14
|-- 6.x_backup
|-- 6.x_profiles
|-- 6.x_sites
|   |-- all   
|   |-- default
|   |--
|   |   |-- files
|   |   |-- modules
|   |   `-- themes
|   `-- 
|       |-- files
|       |-- modules
|       `-- themes 
`-- drupal-6.14
    |-- includes
    |-- misc
    |-- modules
    |-- profiles -> ../6.x_profiles
    |-- scripts
    `-- sites  -> ../6.x_sites


drush multi-drupalupdate
Updates the installation if there is a new minor release available and preserves all detected symlinks, like sites and profiles above
drush multi-create
Creates a Drupal multisite installation, supports usage of drush_make makefiles
drush multi-site
Creates a site within the installation
drush multi-status
An extended drush core status
drush multi-exec
Removed: Execute a drush command on all sites (batch mode)
@see #652778: Similar functionality is in drush core 3.x
drush multi-sql-dump
An extended sql dump
drush multi-nagios
Moved and will be removed soon: Command for use as nagios plugin to monitor Drupal sites and Drupal installations with exit status and status message.
You can find the isolatated nagios functionality at Drush Nagios (drush_nagios).


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Setup and display to user toolbar style navigation menu (on top of page by default). A toolbar is set of shortcuts (link items) configured by the site administrator (or users with "administer toolbar" permission).

This module is not a backport of the D7 Toolbar Module, it takes the original idea and implements the shortcut feature. This module has been inspired and takes some ideas from Admin and Admin menu modules.


  • Create and manage toolbars and shortcuts,
  • Set toolbar per role,
  • Set toolbar per user,
  • Show help for the page where the shortcut points (based on path),
  • Users can select toolbar ("select toolbar" permission),
  • Import/Export toolbars.
  • Features package


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I really don't have much time for this project, and the SwiftRiver project is actively developed, and is hard to keep up with it. Maintainers wanted.

This module (will) provides integration between Drupal and SwiftRiver. "SwiftRiver is a free and open source software platform that uses a combination of algorithms and crowdsourced interaction to validate and filter news. It is an open source effort by many contributing people and organizations including Meedan, Appfrica, GeoCommons and Ushahidi."

Argument Picker API

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Argument Picker is a simple API to access and elaborate arguments in a flexible way.
Basically it allows, given URL arguments like:

to retrieve one of those arguments through a function:


which - in the specific example - would return "Volkswagen".

This module essentially adds the possibility to assign labels to arguments, through this syntax:

BMI (Body Mass Index)

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The BMI (Body Mass Index) module provides a simple method for Drupal site users to check their BMI value.

A block consisting of a simple form to allow users to input their weight inkgs/pounds and height in cms/mts and click on submit. The form submits through ajax and displays the output right below the button.

An admin interface is provided to edit the messages that will be displayed based on the BMI value. You can change the content as per your wish or can also provide a link to individual nodes.


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I have no plans to update this module in the future. I started developing this as part of a project management tool for organizers and activists. I've now moved development of that tool over to a django project (I still love Drupal, don't worry!).

If anyone would like to do anything with this space or the code base, I'm happy to help support that.