Taxonomy Search

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Provides a "Taxonomy" tab on Drupal's standard search interface. Taxonomy terms, descriptions, and synonyms are indexed and searchable. The resulting page provides users a list of terms matching the keywords, and also gives users with the "administer taxonomy" permission a quick link to edit the term. This module is useful for managing large taxonomies.

Live Search

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Live Search aims to provide Drupal's search module a live search functionality through Ajax and to degrade gracefully to a normal search box when the user has JavaScript turned off. It has the following features:

  • Choice between theme-provided or module-provided search box. Live Search builds upon an existing search box. Most themes provide their own search box, and the search module itself also provides a search block. You can choose which search box to enable live search functionality on.
  • Compact search box. This enables the search box to behave in a more Apple style, such as the lack of the "Search" button, with the "Search" phrase embedded in the text field itself.
  • Ajax request firing delay. To save bandwith and ease server loads, an Ajax search request is fired, by default, after the user stops typing the keyword for 1250 milliseconds.
  • Snippet and node info hiding. To save screen real estate, you can opt to hide the snippets (excerpts), the node info (showing various information such as node type, author, and date), or both.

Live Search fully utilizes Drupal's built-in jQuery JavaScript library.

Search 404

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Instead of showing a standard "404 Page not found", this module performs a search on the keywords in the URL, e.g. if a user goes to, this module will do a search for "does not exist" and shows the result of the search instead of the 404 page. This should help retain visitors coming in from old URLs linked from other sites or from search indices.

It also includes search engine keywords detections as well as regular expression based term filtering from the URL.


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This module (D7) has two functions:

  • Highlight the keywords from referrer search engine
  • Highlight the keywords from local search

Because this module use JavaScript to highlight keywords on client side, it can be used to improve the performance of Apachesolr by turning off server side highlighting.

Google AdSense integration

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This module provides web content providers with the means to earn revenue from visitors by displaying ads from Google AdSenseâ„¢ advertising service on their sites.

Why should you use it:

  • AdSense for Search and Drupal are incompatible as both use the 'q' query for different purposes. Using this module, you can display the search results in your site.
  • The module provides easy-to-use ad blocks.
  • You can easily disable the ads for certain roles.
  • Provides simple controls for troubleshooting the ads before going live with the site.
  • If Google changes some minor details in the script, your code can be updated site-wide just by upgrading the module.
  • Protects you from displaying more ads in a page than the maximum allowed by Google (check current disabled)
  • If you want to do ad revenue sharing, there's really no other option

Why shouldn't you use it:

  • Strictly speaking, this module is not in compliance with the AdSense TOS, since you're not exactly copy-pasting the script code in your site. No one has ever reported being banned because of using this module, and Google knows of its existence, and seem not to mind.