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Component body

iDrupal is a project aimed at making it easier to manage a Drupal web site from your iPhone or iPod Touch.

There are 3 main components needed to use iDrupal:

  1. idrupal.module located here. This module acts as a bridge to talk to the iPhone client.
  2. A theme designed to work with iDrupal that is listed below.
  3. The iDrupal iPhone client that will be available in the AppStore soon!

Themes designed to work with iDrupal:

Project Status: On Hold

After some time, I've had difficulty finding interest in sponsors to make this project happen. The parties that were interested when I started decided it was no longer in their interest / budget to help fund the completion of this project.

These days it is very hard for me to do any free community work so I have been unable myself to continue this project.

I would still love to see this happen and now after having about 1.5 years more of experience in the iPhone world, I would love to scrap this version and start fresh with a much nicer approach.

If anyone is interested or any sponsors interested, please let me know.