Separate "management" theme for administrative pages

Component ID


Component name

Separate "management" theme for administrative pages

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Component security advisory coverage




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Component body

This module provides a way to set a dedicated theme for your site's admin pages.

You can define URL path patterns for included and excluded pages, and configure a menu. This module works nicely with the manage theme.

What's the point? People - including me - find it hard to develop themes for drupal, partly because there are so many CSS classes to cover and partly because you loose your backend when your new template breaks. With this module, you no longer have to elaborate all those administrative CSS classes to make your design work with drupal. And you keep your admin interface even if you break things during development. Third, clients used to more conventional CMSses like Typo3 might prefer the separation of backend from frontend.

This module can provide a lightweight solution to taxonomy_theme.module or sections.module if you only want to switch to a single different theme based on URL paths. So, if you want something a little bit more flexible, rather go for sections.module. However, in my environment, I had to apply a patch to make it work.