Commerce Wishlist

Component ID


Component name

Commerce Wishlist

Component type


Maintenance status

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Component body

This module provides a Wishlist to use with Drupal Commerce. It comes with a wish list page featuring a similar interface to Commerce’s Shopping Cart and a block – both can be fully and easily customized since they’re implemented as Views module.

Drupal 8 Commerce 2.x Port is in progress

#2767701: [commerce_wishlist] Commerce Wishlist

Work is being synchronized on the 8.x-3.x branch between here and github. The issue queue is going to be used extensively to track progress and deliver issue credits as work is completed. The port is being led and mostly delivered by Josh Miller of Acro Media, Inc. and we should have an alpha version ready by mid-September 2016.


  • Provides an “Add to Wishlist” button on the display product node.
  • Creates a customizable list with Views to display all products on the Wishlist – both as a page and as a block;
  • Recognizes and stores product variations;
  • Makes it possible for users to easily delete or switch products in their Wishlist to their Shopping Cart with the click of a button;


It should be pretty straightforward. Just install the module, configure the predefined Wishlist Views to meet your needs (if necessary) and you’re good to go.


The module has been completely re-written for the 3.x version. Wish lists are now stored as commerce_order entities, providing much better compatibility between Wishlist and Commerce. It provides much of the same functionality as 2.x but includes improvements for sharing wish lists using custom URLs. Wish lists can be public or private.

Module DX has also been improved. 3.x runs (by default) with a single wish list, but you could easily extend it to support multiple wish lists per person.

Upgrade paths from 1.x and 2.x to 3.x are available as of 3.x-beta1. All existing wish lists will be converted to commerce_order entities. All wish lists default to being private.

2.x branch

The 2.x branch contains bug fixes and additional features, which include:

  • Ability to enable public wish lists
  • An optional, themable "Share my Wishlist" block
  • Rules integration

The database schema has also been updated so that it can more easily support multiple wish lists per-user in the future.

There is a patch to provide an upgrade path from 1 to 2, which needs to be reviewed/tested:

Special thanks to topsitemakers, whose great work was used as a starting point for the 2.x branch.