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The Couchbase module provides integration with Couchbase 2.0 and above. This module
consists of helper functions to instantiate couchbase connections from the $conf['couchbase']
variable in settings.php.

The module also provides a REST interface to Management REST API provided by Couchbase.
The Management REST API is described here

Finally, the module provides an api for accessing creating and deleting Couchbase Views.
*These functions will probably go away once the php-ext-couchbase matures. Currently, the php-ext-couchbase library doesn't support creating/deleting views.*

The module couchbase_watchdog is an example implementation of watchdog in Couchbase.
It serves as an example of what can be done with the API.

Since Couchbase 2.0 is in active development, this module will not see a stable release until such time.

Please help test and report bugs back

The couchbase_watchdog module is a sample implementation of using Drupal with Couchbase.

Please help solidify the development release into a full 7.x release by logging issues and testing the module out.

This module is currently being support for Drupal 7. If there is enough interest, the functionality will be back ported to Drupal 6. The inspiration for the CouchBase module comes from Damien Tournoud and his work on CouchDB module.

This project is sponsored by DOCOMO Innovations, Inc. and is actively developed by BitSprout LLC.