Organic Groups CiviCRM

Component ID


Component name

Organic Groups CiviCRM

Component type


Component security advisory coverage




Component created

Component changed

Component body

The OG_CiviCRM module integrates organic groups with CiviCRM groups. This is useful for groups that form organically on the web but need to be tracked for an organization. Once the group of web users are in CiviCRM they can used to do mailings, track address information, apply tags, and track activities of the members.

The module creates a new CiviCRM group for each new OG and use the module to keeps track. The groups are kept synchronized. If a user is subscribed to a group via Drupal's UI, then the user has already been subscribed on the Drupal side, and we will need to subscribe the user on the CRM side here as well. If an organic group is deleted the CiviCRM group is deleted.

Work on this module has been sponsored by CivicSpace Labs and Torenware Networks.