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This is a starter development theme using the Bootstrap 3 SASS source code. To use this theme you must first download and install the Drupal Bootstrap parent theme.


  • bootstrap-sass
  • font-awesome
  • mediaCheck
  • Gulp-based build system

One-time Development Environment Setup

Install NodeJS and Node Package Manager globally.
Run the following command-line instructions inside theme root:

npm install -g gulp bower
npm install && bower install

Using and Editing

Custom styles should be in src/scss/_header.scss, src/scss/_content.scss and src/scss/_footer.scss. If you wish, you can simply combine these files into one file, I just like organized code.

To set custom variables such as colors, fonts, etc, you may use src/scss/_theme-variables.scss.

To add your own Javascript code you can edit src/js/theme.js, this file comes with a custom behavior that will change the default Bootstrap menu behavior to display submenus onhover rather than onclick, you can keep this if you like or remove it.
At the top of this file you can add more require lines to include your own libraries.


//= require ../vendor/mediaCheck/js/mediaCheck.js

Development changes can be automated with command-line instruction inside theme root:

gulp watch

Build optimized, minified, autoprefixed assets with command-line instruction inside theme root:


Other Gulp commands

  • gulp styles - Compiles the SCSS source code.
  • gulp scripts - Compiles the Javascript source code.
  • gulp lint - Checks your javscript code for errors or coding standards.

Customizing Bootstrap

To customize Bootstrap you may edit src/scss/_bootstrap-variables.scss.

To add or remove Bootstrap javascript component you may edit src/js/bootstrap.js. The default build includes all components.


  • Feature to optimize images.