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Starlight is a ready to use theme. It has a flexible design built with community websites in mind.

Vision includes:

  • Fully responsive (including Forums)
  • Balance of usability and flexibility: enough regions and theme settings to be useful but not overwhelming
  • Theming for all the standard Drupal entities: teasers, comments, user accounts, forums, books, etc.
  • Flexible options for header layouts & mobile menus
  • Color module integration and options to upload background images
  • Include libraries only when they are needed (based on theme settings and/or enabled modules).
  • Improved user experience for users who contribute content (comments, forum posts, editing user accounts etc.)

This theme is being designed for the Drupal 8 migration of A Padded Cell. Flexible theme settings will make it easy to customize the design for your project. Starlight will be a great base for a custom theme, particularly if you need support for users to log in and post content.

Development release

A development release is now available to try out. Work is still in progress on:

  • Advanced search form
  • Fix bugs with responsive menu + search
  • Print stylesheet
  • Maintenance page
  • General testing
  • Code clean-up & commenting
  • Documentation

If you try this theme and find any problems please provide feedback. I can't make it better if you don't tell me what's wrong. Feedback can be posted in the issue queue, or using my contact form.