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This module implements the popular Textile markup shorthand, and allows you to enter content using a simple, plain text syntax that is filtered into valid (X)HTML. It was originally developed by Dean Allen of textism.com, and several different versions (in several different programming languages) have been created. It is notably used by 37signals' Basecamp product, among many others.

Module maintenance by joshk (of Chapter Three) and trevortwinning (of Civic Actions).

General notes

  • You will need to download the latest version of the Textile library in addition to this module in order for the filter to work. See the INSTALL.txt file that comes with the module for details.
  • You will need to carefully configure your input filters for Textile to work optimally. It can easily conflict with the line-break converter and Filtered HTML filters.
    See the documentation for details.

Version notes

  • Updating from a different release of the development snapshot is not supported. To install a newer development snapshot, you always need to uninstall the previous version before copying the new one.
  • Development snapshots are intended for testing only. Don't use them in a production site, or for other purposes. If used in a production site, or for other purposes, there will be no support for any resulting problems.
  • Version 7.x-2.0-rc8 (or version 6.x-3.0-alpha1, not yet created) and forward require branch 2.x of the Variables API module. First install the latest official Variables API release available and then install the most recent version of Chili highlighter. Variables API and Chili highlighter must be enabled separately or you will get an error about a PHP class not being found; see also the notes reported in the Variables API project page.

  • Version 7.x-2.0-rc10 and forward require Variable APi version 7.x-2.0-alpha8, or any more recent version.
  • Version 7.x-2-0.rc8 (or 6.x-3.0-alpha1) and forward look for the Textile library also outside the directory where the module is copied, such as /sites/all/libraries/textile, or profiles/$profile/libraries/textile (where $profile is the currently used profile).
    If there aren't other modules in your website that use the Textile library, you can copy the library in the include directory created inside the directory where the module is installed.

#D7CX I pledge that Textile module will have a full Drupal 7 release on the day that Drupal 7 is released.

Brad Choate developed an advanced implementation of Textile in Perl, Textile.pm, which includes extra features beyond those of Dean Allen’s Textile 2 implementation. This module was originally designed by Jim Riggs using TextilePHP, Jim's PHP port of Brad’s Textile.pm Perl module and Movable Type plugin.