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Hmmm... I found this module that I used to maintain in 2004, not sure if it is obsolete or not - if not, I'd like to start working on this again - but since it was done for Drupal 4, it is obviously better to rewrite it. If anybody who has been more active in Drupal the recent years than me can let me know if there is a better module out there that does this function, I will request abandonment of this project, otherwise, I will pick up this project in July. Any thoughts?

This module provides automated role management for one of the administrator-defined roles.

Applications of this module include:
1) automatically granting frequent and reliable contributers a special role, and
2) automatically granting new users a special role.
Certain kind folk in the Drupal community found this module so useful that they contributed financially. Their contributions are deeply appreciated.

New Maintainer: Update for 4.7 in progress.