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Maintenance status

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Component body

I really don't have much time for this project, and the SwiftRiver project is actively developed, and is hard to keep up with it. Maintainers wanted.

This module (will) provides integration between Drupal and SwiftRiver. "SwiftRiver is a free and open source software platform that uses a combination of algorithms and crowdsourced interaction to validate and filter news. It is an open source effort by many contributing people and organizations including Meedan, Appfrica, GeoCommons and Ushahidi."


What this module will do (see status below).


This module is brand new and so is SwiftRiver, so this module has yet to do anything. At the moment, it is just a basic stub of functions and structure and will get filled in as I have time and SwiftRiver grows.

Get Involved

This is a very young project and I would love to have co-maintainers on this project. Or, if you want to get involved directly with SwiftRiver. Currently discussion is happening on Swift River Google Group thread.