Drupal 5 to 7 Migrate Example


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Drupal 5 to 7 Migrate Example

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While migrating acquia.com from Drupal 5 to Drupal 7, we wrote more than 2500 lines of code using the incredible Migrate module that we used to move all data.

This module is a simple dump of all our code that we would like to share with the community. It's a perfect example of code that takes data from Drupal 5 and moves it to Drupal 7. During the development, we solved several issues including:

  • User and user pictures migration
  • Node reference resolution
  • Sorting out profile fields
  • Multiple file attachments in multiple filefields
  • Migrating URL aliases for a node if they changed due to changes in pathauto patterns

This is an example module, do not attempt to directly use it, it will not work. Feel free to use it as a base for your migrations.