Tic Tac Toe for Node.js

Component ID


Component name

Tic Tac Toe for Node.js

Component type


Maintenance status

Development status

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Component body

This is an example module that uses the Node.js integration module (nodejs) to implement a real-time, two-player Tic Tac Toe game on a Drupal site.

Live Demo



The Node.js integration module must be installed and configured.


1. Patch the Node.js integration module with the patch for server extensions at: #1116186: Server extensions.

2. Copy this module into your sites/all/modules directory (or equivalent).

3. Edit your nodejs.config.js configuration file for the node server to specify the nodejs_tic.server.js as a server extension, by adding the following code:

'extensions': ['../nodejs_tic/nodejs_tic.logic.js', '../nodejs_tic/nodejs_tic.server.js']

4. (Re)start your node server.