Paypal Framework

Component ID


Component name

Paypal Framework

Component type


Component security advisory coverage




Component created

Component changed

Component body

Please note...

Users looking for a Paypal solution for their site are strongly recommended to look at the lm_paypal module. For various reasons lm_paypal supersedes the Paypal Framework module.

Paypal Framework has been updated for use on Drupal 5 for those currently using it but it's useful life will end at this point. Users currently using Paypal Framework are strongly recommended to switch to lm_paypal module.

A framework for tracking and logging Paypal IPN payments. Helpful for sites that need basic paypal support but don't want the management overhead of the ecommerce package. The Paypal Subscription and Paypal Tipjar projects both depend on this module.

Please note that this module is NOT part of the ECommerce project. Ecommerce has its own PayPal integration, and this shouldn't be used with it.

Thanks are due to dbr who has/is helping maintain this module.

Note that with a site of 75K+ users, paypal stats page and cron update started to be unacceptably slow. I could solve it by adding an index on user.mail. (If somebody thinks this is problematic and/or has a better proposal, please contact me. -- dbr)