Standardization of interfaces for senior: Consistency is always recommended, but sometimes stability of interface can be sacrificed for better efficiency or aesthetics of design. Consistency and stability of interface, particularly of navigation and pages’ layout is valuable for the elderly even more that for general users. It’s advisable that all the pages of a website have the same navigation (the capability to go back must be included too), and that navigation is clearly marked as one. Also, all the control elements (e.g. links) must be made distinct from other elements on a page. Not to allow the overload of the cognitive abilities of the elderly and to allow them to better rely on their long-term experience.

The degree of control over the interface for seniors: In general it’s usually recommended to allow user have more control over the way of doing things for better efficiency and satisfaction. The designers of e-business websites may choose to consciously limit the user control and flexibility of usage, but to make common functions and paths more immediately obvious to promote elderly accessibility. Interface ‘scoping’ (hiding advanced features) can be also a useful technique. Elder users don’t seek to have more flexibility and tend to repeat ways of doing things that were once successful (e.g. taking familiar, even if longer, navigation paths).