Advanced Poll


Component ID


Component name

Advanced Poll

Component type


Maintenance status

Development status

Component security advisory coverage




Component created

Component changed

Component body

Advanced Poll is a replacement to Drupal's poll module and provides multiple voting systems, decision-making tools, and management options.

  • Voting systems: Basic polls, Approval Voting, Borda Count, and Instant-Runoff Voting.
  • Vote management: view each user's vote, delete all votes, or restrict the poll to a list of users.
  • Time management: schedule when to open or close the poll, and choose when to show results.
  • Choice management: write-in choices, and support for HTML (or other input filter).
  • Usability: fast Ajax interaction and customizable default settings.
  • Migration: convert regular Drupal polls into Advanced Polls.

Dependencies: Voting API, Date API.


Development focus is on getting the Drupal 7 version stable and writing test coverage.

I will not be working on the Drupal 6 version, aside from reviewing and possibly committing RTBC patches. If you are interested in working on the drupal 6 version, please jump into the issue queue, there's plenty to do!

Note upgrading from drupal 6 to 7 is currently broken.

Development Priorities

  1. Testing and patching new D7 version to move toward an official release.
  2. Beginning work on a drupal 8 release.
  3. Broadly supported, well-justified feature requests.

Volunteers wanted: co-maintainers, bug testers, and high-quality bug reporters.