
Component ID


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Component security advisory coverage




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Component body

Theme features:

  • The theme has a fixed centered width and supports screen resolutions of 1024 pixels
  • It validates XHTML 1.0 Strict and is valid CSS
  • Foliage is source-ordered: the content comes before the left and right columns in the XHTML source
  • It can be used with one, two or three columns - this depends on how the block visibilty is organized in the admin backend
  • Foliage has been tested against the following browsers: Firefox (for Windows, Mac and Linux), IE 6, IE 7, Safari (for Mac and Windows), Opera (for Windows, Mac and Linux) and Konquerer
  • Logo, Site name, Site slogan, Mission statement, User pictures, Search box, Shortcut icon, Primary and Secondary links are supported.
    The theme also supports all default block regions. The "header" is positioned on top of the middle column directly below the mission statement.

Demo URL:
Foliage is contributed and maintained by

The new release contains several bug fixes and enhancements. For more informations see readme.txt.

Foliage has been improved a lot since its first release - thanks to community contributions in the form of bug reports an feature requests. I encourage everybody to continue submitting bug reports, feature requests and support requests. But in the past I felt that there was different understanding by some users what bug, feature and support mean exactly. Therefore I have listed a few hints on my website.

The Drupal 5 version of Foliage is still available for download. But in the future I will focus on development for the Drupal 6 version and therefore the Drupal 5 version will not anymore be maintained actively. The current Drupal 5 version is considered to work stable for most cases but if you have issues I invite you to contact me for support.