Scroll blocks

Component ID


Component name

Scroll blocks

Component type


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Component body

Have you ever seen those annoying ads that slide up from the bottom of your screen while you are scrolling? This is what this module does!

The module works with core blocks. If you enable the popping up functionality on a block, it will be hidden by default, and slide up at the scroll distance that you decide.

It provides also a close button that will mute this block until the page reloads.

scroll block settings

On the block configuration page, it adds a fieldset with the following options:

- Enable popping up on this block: Check if you want to enable with this block.
- Reveal scroll distance: After how many pixels of scrolling should this block slide up.
- Hide scroll distance: After how many pixels of scrolling should this block slide down again.
- Min window width: The block will pop up only if the window has at least this width.
- Max window width: The block will pop up only if the window has less width than this.

The functionality is only enabled when the block is actually on the page, so use the core visibility settings to decide on which pages you want you block to pop up.