Commerce PayTabs

Component ID


Component name

Commerce PayTabs

Component type


Maintenance status

Development status

Component security advisory coverage




Component created

Component changed

Component body

This module integrates PayTabs with Drupal Commerce.
This is an offsite payment gateway. It provides credit card payments only, so far.

Installtion instructions:
* You can install this module via Composer (recommended), or
* clone it from Git repo, or
* Download the module from

Make sure to enable the 'Telephone' core module after installtion since this gateway requiers a phone number. A telephone field is added to the customer profile created by commerce.
This module may use external libraries in its future versions.

A merchant account at is required.
API documentation for PayTabs is availabe at:

Go to your PayTabs's account dashbaord and set your website url there. It's important because according to there documentation:
'The API V 2.x requires that the requesting website be exactly the same as the website/URL
associated with your PayTabs Merchant Account. The merchant can see this SITE URL on his
dashboard, under “My Profile”'

The cancel link on the pay page of PayTabs does not cancel payments when redirected to Drupal commerce. Paytabs API does not implement a 'Cancel URL' parameter.