
Component ID


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This module provides troll management tools for community sites including users by IP address, banning IP addresses, advanced user searching and blocking user by role.

- user tracking by IP address
- bans IP addresses forever or for set duration, by ban I mean redirect, and by redirect I mean complete site blocking not just account creation and login
- advanced user account searching
- easy user blocking by role
- IP block blacklisting with an import feature from Okean or a custom list
- DNS blacklisting for comments from services like SpamCop, SORBS,, abuseat, and Spamhaus.
- PHP-IDS integration for detection of XSS, SQL Injection, header injection, directory traversal, RFE/LFI, DoS and LDAP attacks. Just untar the PHP-IDS files to a php-ids directory within your troll module directory. For just PHP-IDS support, see the PHPIDS module.

For similar functionality, see also: Misery

Image by asharee.