Mime Mail


Component ID


Component name

Mime Mail

Component type


Maintenance status

Development status

Component security advisory coverage




Component created

Component changed

Component body

This is a Mime Mail component module (for use by other modules).

  • It permits users to receive HTML email and can be used by other modules. The mail functionality accepts an HTML message body, mime-endcodes it and sends it.
  • If the HTML has embedded graphics, these graphics are MIME-encoded and included as a message attachment.
  • Adopts your site's style by automatically including your theme's stylesheet files in a themeable HTML message format
  • If the recipient's preference is available and they prefer plaintext, the HTML will be converted to plain text and sent as-is. Otherwise, the email will be sent in themeable HTML with a plaintext alternative.
  • Allows you to theme messages with a specific mailkey.
  • Converts CSS styles into inline style attributes.
  • Provides simple system actions and Rules actions to send HTML email with embedded images and attachments.

Note that there are some serious limitations you need to take into consideration when creating email layouts, see the Email Standard Project for more information.

This module is required by the Send module.


The 7.x branch requires the Mail System module and at least Drupal 7.24.


This project is based on work efforts by Robert Castelo, Gerhard Killesreiter, Allie Micka and Gabor Seljan.