

Component ID


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Component security advisory coverage




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The mailcommand module lets you send commands to a Drupal site that either has mailhandler or og2list installed.

The mail command module can be used to execute Drupal commands through email. This basic functionality can be extended by other modules. The og2list module uses this to allow users to subscribe to mailing lists. This is useful when group managers do not have access to web based connections.

Mail command allows you to perform the following command much like mailing list managers. Mail command is current limited to handle only 5 commands per hour and user to avoid a denial of service attack.

Available commands:

  • help This command allows you to receive information on how to use the mailcommand capabilities here on your OG2List site. It takes no arguments.
  • confirm This command allows you to confirm commands given to the mail processor at OG2List site. It takes one argument, an auto-generated token.
  • discard This command allows you to discard commands given to the mail processor at OG2List site. It takes one argument, an auto-generated token.
  • tokentest This command allows you to test token processing done by the mail processor at OG2List site. It takes one mandatory and two optional arguments. The first argument can be any PHP function and the others will be passed as arguments. This action requires the permission 'test tokens'