

Component ID


Component name


Component type


Component security advisory coverage




Component created

Component changed

Component body

This module enables automatically importing directories as galleries of images on a per-date basis. For each gallery, a photobar preview of the gallery is created for display on the main-page.

Where this module shines is it's simplicity and automation. Photos need simply to be placed in the required directory on the server, and the photobars will automatically be created and inserted in the correct place in the site. Unlike other photo managing modules, no installation is required nor does it require altering Drupal's database.

It works with the 'image' and 'image_gallery' modules. Each image created is it's own node, making using the photos elsewhere on your site possible.

Exif data is automatically used to orient the photos, set the date of the image nodes, as well as store the longitude and latitude from where the photo was taken, if available.