OG Actions

Component ID


Component name

OG Actions

Component type


Component security advisory coverage




Component created

Component changed

Component body

For Drupal 6, this module has been incorporated into OG itself.

The og_actions module is a collection of 5 actions for use with the actions module and workflow module. These actions facilitate the use of organic groups with the actions and workflow modules, allowing administrators to create rules to modify the organic group information for specific nodes.


  • Og.module
  • Actions.module


  • Workflow.module

There are 5 actions in this module:

Non-configurable actions:

"Make the node publicly visible" -- This action will make the node visible to the public. This has the same effect as checking the "Public" box on node creation.

"Make the node private to its groups" -- This action has the opposite of "Make the node publicly visible." This action is equivalent to unchecking the "public" box on node editing.

"Remove the node from all groups" -- This is action will remove all group ties to this node. This will occur even if you have selected "Audience Required" in your organic group settings.

Configurable actions:

"Add the node to the specified group..." -- This action allows an administrator to select a group and add nodes to it. Any currently published, organic group node type will be listed. In large lists, this could potentially be a very long list. This action could potentially add a node that is in the excluded content type list.

"Remove the node from the specified group..." -- This action removes the node from the selected groups. Potentially, it could remove the last group from the node, even if "Audience Required" is selected in organic groups.