DB2 Driver


Component ID


Component name

DB2 Driver

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Component body

Drupal 6 Driver for IBM DB2 DataServer. This Driver provides an interface to IBM DB2 DataServer Version 9.7 and above.


Download and setup a web server(for example: Apache)

	Set up a Web server as per the configuration recommended by Drupal (http://drupal.org/requirements).

Download and install DB2

Download DB2 version 9.7 from http://www-01.ibm.com/software/data/db2/express/download.html?S_CMP=ECDD..., use the resources available in the link to get started with DB2.

Configure php for DB2

Follow the steps below for respective platforms
Linux Platforms
Download the latest pdo_ibm extension for db2 from http://pecl.php.net/package/PDO_IBM
Install pdo_ibm issuing the following commands from the downloaded tar
phpize --clean
./configure --with-pdo-ibm=/home/db2inst1/sqllib #sqllib directory will be present under you DB2 instance users home
make clean
make install

Windows platform
Use the php_pdo_ibm.dll shipped in your DB2 installation package(In case of requirement of different version of pdo_ibm.dll write to opendev@us.ibm.com,to get the appropriate dll ).
Place the php_pdo_ibm.dll in the php extensions directory

Common for all platforms
Add the below line in php.ini file
Add the following line in php.ini file to increase the maximum execution time
max_execution_time = 500
restart app server for above changes to take affect

Adding DB2 support in Drupal

1. Get the DB2 Driver for Drupal(git clone git://git.drupal.org/sandbox/deepthivankadari/1201284.git db2_driver)
2. Copy the files under the "db2_driver" folder (obtained from #1 above) to the location where you have downloaded Drupal, maintaining the directory structure of drupal.

Set up the database

Start DB2 and issue the following command to create a new database that will be used to install and configure drupal.
db2 CREATE DATABASE drupal pagesize 32768
Note:Database pagesize of 32K is to be set.

Install drupal

Follow the drupal installation steps to set up your new drupal site.

Supported versions


version 6.20 and above


version 9.7

Help/Defect/Feature Requests

1.For any help on using the driver or open discussion regarding the driver log an issue at http://drupal.org/project/issues/1201284?categories=support
2.To log a bug report against the driver raise an issue at
3.To raise a new feature request log a report at http://drupal.org/project/issues/1201284?categories=bug