Organic Groups Registration Codes

Component ID


Component name

Organic Groups Registration Codes

Component type


Component security advisory coverage




Component created

Component changed

Component body

This module is add-on for the Organic Groups module designed to facilitate users in joining a specific group upon registration (or afterwards as a member) on sites that have a number of groups that is too large to easily browse through or show in the registration form.

A new user will be auto-approved as member of a group when they supply a group code at registration. You may combine this feature with the usual use of groups in the registration form. Users may also visit the "Use group code" page to join a group using a code.

Registration codes are only valid for groups that are "Open" or "Moderated". For moderated groups, the membership will still need to be approved by a group manager. Codes cannot be used to join groups that are "Invite only" or "Closed".

The group registration codes are added into the "invite friend" e-mail message, and are also viewable on each user's account page.

Registration codes may be made required or optional on the user registration page. Users who register and join a group by using a code may optionally be assigned an additional role. Finally, the registration codes can be reset so that a new
set is generated and all previous codes are invalidated. Resetting the codes has no effect on already subscribed users.

Module development and 5.x upgrade sponsored by Student Educational Exchange.

This module is co-maintained by pwolanin and the friendly primates at FunnyMonkey.