OG Public Access

Component ID


Component name

OG Public Access

Component type


Component security advisory coverage




Component created

Component changed

Component body

The OG Public Access module allows Organic Groups (OG) administrators to control public access to their groups' content. This module does not require group administrators to be granted the site-wide administer nodes permission.

The use case for this module is for a site with teams of writers submitting content privately in their groups, and editors controlling what is allowed to go public in specific groups.

Some content could be cross-posted in, say, group A and group B, and group A's administrator could approve it for public viewing, while group B's administrator might reject it. This can't be achieved with OG's site-wide "Public" flag.

The workflow is based on a moderation queue, and is very similar to Modr8's workflow.

If all the group administrators have the administer nodes permission, you do not need the OG Public Access module. Modr8 would do fine.

OG Public Access works by manipulating data in the node_access table. I'd be glad to get feedback from the community about the way this module plays with node_access. Porting this to Drupal 5.x will probably require some re-thinking... Contributions are welcome!

Developed on behalf of Koumbit.org.