Google Custom Search Engine

Component ID


Component name

Google Custom Search Engine

Component type


Maintenance status

Development status

Component security advisory coverage




Component created

Component changed

Component body

Google Custom Search Engine (CSE) is a free service that can be used to search a set of one or more sites.

After installing this module, simply configure the Drupal module to use CSE by entering Google's unique ID for a CSE. Once you have granted permission for one or more roles to search using Google CSE, users can search the current Google CSE index from search/google or a search block.

The Google CSE uses Google's index of the site. Content changes are not immediately reflected in the results the way they are with Drupal's core search.

Current Branches

7.x-2.x and 8.x-2.x

These branches include the paid version of Google CSE, Site Search, which is currently being deprecated by Google and will be finally phased out by April 1, 2018. You should plan to phase out your use of Site Search and switch to the free version of Google CSE if you are to continue using this module.

The port of this module to from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8 has begun and is in active development. The current maintainers will try to keep as much of the functionality of the D7 module intact; however, some features will be left behind due to the fact the maintainers might not have complete enough info to properly port that feature. You can reference the planning issue here.

7.x-3.x and 8.x-3.x

These branches no longer depend on Drupal's core Search module. Because Drupal updates the internal search tables on cron, only using CSE can improve the performance of large sites with thousands of nodes. These branches also completely remove everything relating to paid Site Search and only include the free version of Google CSE. The current maintainers will work on keeping these branches up-to-date and actively developed starting with a 7.30 release. If you are just starting to use this module, please use these dev branches or related releases.